Plagioclase, Hornblende, Quartz and Biotite in a Gneiss from near Flin

Thin section microscope photograph of plagioclase phenocrysts and

Plagioclase, zoned, in a dacite porphyry. This grain appears quite homogeneous in plane light, without concentric zones of inclusions that are commonly seen elsewhere.. In this photo, the thin section was rotated to obscure twinning. Plane- and cross-polarized light views. Field width is 6 mm. 4.7.84H. Perthite from a metaluminous biotite.


Plagioclase is a series of tectosilicate (framework silicate) minerals within the feldspar group. Rather than referring to a particular mineral with a specific chemical composition, plagioclase is a continuous solid solution series, more properly known as the plagioclase feldspar series.

Plagioclase thin section Tectosilicates MicROCKScopic

Mineral analyses were targeted to span the full variability of plagioclase zoning in a given thin section, typically using transects. WDS maps were measured on a representative part of 9 selected thin sections using a 20 µm pixel size to map a total area of ≥ 100 mm 2 (≥ 250,000 pixels) with an analysis time of ~ 21 h per sample (10.

Plagioclase thin section Tectosilicates MicROCKScopic

Plagioclase: Property: Value: Comments: Formula:. (010) is also quite good. (110) is a very poor cleavage and is not usually seen in thin section. Cleavages intersect at about 93-94 degree angles. The cleavage may not be obvious in thin section; the best examples are often seen along the edge of the slide. Color/Pleochroism:

Plagioclase thin section Tectosilicates MicROCKScopic

The mineral Plagioclase in thin-section (XPL) - Blog-atlas of thin sections of minerals and rocks, for amateurs, students.

Plagioclase thin section Tectosilicates MicROCKScopic

Identification In general, keys to identifying plagioclase are its (lack of) color, its low birefreingence, and its twinning. When untwinned, plagioclase has bland features and may be difficult to identify unambiguously. Important properties · Color - colorless, but may be altered giving it a grainy or grayish appearance in PP light.

Plagioclase thin section Tectosilicates MicROCKScopic

Structure and chemistry Plagioclase feldspars are framework silicates with a structure similar to that of alkali feldspars. They show a network of (Si,Al)O 4 tetrahedrons linked to one another (sharing oxygens) in all directions, distorted by large cation sites that may contain Na +, Ca 2+, and some K +.

Thin section images of the intact samples (PLG plagioclase; CPX

Plagioclase, often called plagioclase feldspar, is mostly a solid solution of albite and anorthite, although it may contain up to 10 wt % orthoclase. We call any feldspar with composition near NaAlSi 3 O 8,. If the layers or zones are planar or nearly so (appearing long and thin in thin section),.

Plagioclase thin section Tectosilicates MicROCKScopic

Plagioclase. Solid solution series between Na-rich end-member (albite) and Ca-rich end-member (anorthite). Triclinic shape contributes to interesting optical angles. (001) is a perfect cleavage, and (010) is also quite good. (110) is a very poor cleavage and is not usually seen in thin section. Cleavages intersect at about 93-94 o angles.

Thinsection photographs of plagioclasebearing mylonites ETR13 and

Plagioclase Feldspar (thin section) Type. Mineral. Cleavage. Cleavages intersect at 93 °, usually not observed in thin section. Colour and Pleochroism. Colorless in thin section; Grains may appear cloudy due to alteration. Relief. Low negative or positive relief.

Plagioclase extinction 2 (30 µm thin section, XPL) Flickr

Several videos of plagioclase in thin section, showing typical textures and optical characteristics. Supported by Boise State University and the US National.

Plagioclase thin section Tectosilicates MicROCKScopic

The feldspar can be plagioclase or alkali feldspar, or both, depending on the kind of rock (Figure 16.1). But there are many varieties of these granitoids, varying mostly because they contain different minor minerals. Micas (biotite and sometimes muscovite), and amphiboles or pyroxenes of various sorts, are commonly present.

Plagioclase thin section Tectosilicates MicROCKScopic

Plagioclase Image: Images: Plagioclase Albite. Comments:. 11 - Minerals in Thin Section-University of North Carolina 12 - Minerals in Thin Sections-Humboldt State 13 - Online Mineral Museum 14 - QUT Mineral Atlas 15 - Ruff.Info 16 - UCLA - Petrography Thin-Sections 17 - WWW-MINCRYST.

Plagioclase thin section Tectosilicates MicROCKScopic

Zoned plagioclase crystal (with patchy zoning core) in a trachyte. Ponza island, Italy. XPL image, 10x (Field of view = 2mm) Concentric zoning in a plagioclase (with patchy zoning core) in a basalt. Valle del Bove, Etna, Italy. XPL image, 2x (Field of view = 7mm) Concentric zoning in a plagioclase (with patchy zoning core) in a basalt.

Plagioclase Geology is the Way

Last updated: 04.09.2021 07:36 Feldspars are alumosilicates of alcalic metals and form a significant portion of many volcanic and metamorphic rocks. As such, they are one of the most important mineral groups on the Earths surface: some estimate that they form between 50-60 % of the Earths crust.

Plagioclase, Hornblende, Quartz and Biotite in a Gneiss from near Flin

PPL Plagioclase (polysynthetic twinning) #1 thin section (hFOV 2mm) GET 360° LIVE INTERACTION Plagioclase PPL properties Relief: Low-moderate negative/positive (Albite-Anorthite series) Habit/Form: Plagioclase commonly occurs both as euhedral and anhedral grains.